the Magic from the top of the cable car platform
barcelona and la rambla (the green strip) as seen from the top of the cable car platform...
ok, the internet is being slow now. we'll have to more later...
We're going on a trip, do you want to come with us? ... Well, you won't fit in our suitcases, but our computer will... why don't you follow along from the comforts of home.
Hi Bill,
Did you happen to notice if people were able to upgrade there cabins during check in & the amount?
My Mom's best friend named (senior citzen) RoseLee from NJ is on your cruise. It's a small world, so if you run into RoseLee & her family I think from IL say hi from Jo in Jersey.
Were you & Sarah able to book your Palo? How are you making out with the Euros?
Love your photos, & your Blog.
Thanks for sharing
there was a mickey sign at the check in desks saying that everything was sold out and no upgrades were available.
as for your relatives, we have not run into them yet, but we'll keep an eye out for em.
we were able to get dinner palo reservations with a DIS board group reservation (14 ppl). i guess palo has a "party room" available for large parties and cannot be booked prior to boarding.
the euros are doing ok. we don't need them on the boat, had to hit up an atm in BCN once and might do it again depending on the excursions.
another great day on the boat...
Hi Bill,
Sounds like your boat is full.
How you and Sarah with the jetlag?
Wow, can't wait to hear about your Palo party & your excursions.
Let us know how you like the shows.
Have fun & eat & drink for us!!!!
Thanks so much for posting.
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